Money Smart for Small Businesses

Saturday, 18 of October , 2014

Ms. Steele is a panelist and speaker for this event.

Money Smart for Small Businesses is a new, instructor-led training curriculum developed jointly by the FDIC and SBA and sponsored by Pathfinder Bank, National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and US Business Leaders Network (USBLN).  This program will be held on Saturday, October 18th at the Genesee Grande Hotel in Syracuse, NY.
The multi-level modules in this curriculum provide introductory training for new and aspiring entrepreneurs who are blind on the basics of organizing and managing a business. In addition to grounding participants in the basics, the curriculum serves as a foundation for more advanced training and technical assistance. Modules covered during the program include record keeping, time management, financial management, risk management, and succession planning.
Seating is limited and on a first come basis. Please register by Monday September 22, 2014. We look forward to having you attend this interactive, networking event. Below is the link to sign up for this event: