Kimberly A. Steele Receives 6th Consecutive Super Lawyers Award for 2023

April, 2023


Congratulations to Kimberly A. Steele on her Super Lawyers recognition! This marks Kimberly’s sixth consecutive yearly award!


The past three years have been incredibly challenging, professionally and personally. In addition to the demands of our practice, which were heightened during COVID and remain to be, we have had to really take the time and breath to focus on the demands outside of our professional lives. Now more than ever is a balanced life so important, essential to being the best version of self so that we are able to be the best version of self professionally. And we carry that forward with our practice, our team, and our clients. To that extent, we are here to assist our clients in being the best version that they can be, equally professionally and personally. The listening ear, the mindful words, and the solid courses of action are more crucial than ever.


We continue our gratitude to our clients and our team for supporting us and trusting us with some of the most stressful business decisions and personal matters that come about in this life. Thank you from all of us at The Steele Law Firm, P.C.


949 County Route 53 | Oswego, New York 13126

Contact us

Toll Free: 1-877-496-2687
Local Telephone: (315) 216-4721
Fax: (315) 216-6065


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